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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Draft Application Essays for a Teaching Position in a Philadelphia Public High School

What are your three (3) most important reasons for wanting to be a teacher?

What very deeply troubles me is “anomie” or the alienation that runs through the whole of modern culture – you see it’s the sense of man becoming thing. George Steiner has another name for this: the “Reification” or thing-ification of man.

I am the result of this process, relinquishing my freedom of thought because it’s just much easier to just be entertained. My students and I are cut from the same cloth, the cloth of modernity: iridescent rags, tricked out to catch the attention of the moment. The church of chuck taylor and tie-dyed hair, you see.

How much do you want to know about your students in order to be helpful to them?

I don't care, I really don't care to know too much about my students. That's kind of uncomfortable information now isn't it? Where is the diginity in this? To me essay questions like this presuppose an institutional insecurity that is more commonly found in pre-teen girls. Parish priests were embedded in people's lives more intimately without needing to know thier parishoner's freudian perversions. I won't answer this on principle, no wonder we're a nation of jibbering hooligans.

What three (3) things do you most want to know about your students?

(sigh) I want my students to have dignity, precision and eloquence.

What do you need to know in order to begin your lesson planning for a class?

I need to know which sparknotes I have to read in order for me to sound like I actually know more than my students.

What four (4) key components do you believe you must include in your plan?

How you can spot criminals just by looking at'em. Yeah.
2.) Halo 2
3.) Halo 3
4.) Q &A

When you think about your students, in what major ways do you most want to influence their lives?

10 years from now I want them to think to themselves "I don't think that I learned anything in that class."

List and describe two (2) core teaching strategies you most utilized in your classroom.

1.) Deceit
2.) Obfuscation

In 3000 words or less, what do you think are the "Most Important Qualities of an Outstanding Educator?"

3000 Characters of Less? – the Most Important? So not just important or really important, but the most important qualities of an outstanding educator. Well let’s just define our terms, why don’t we?

Outstanding is an adjective which means prominent, conspicuous or striking. An educator is someone who is a specialist in the theory or practice of education. Now I am not a prominent or conspicuous person skilled in the theory or practice of education, I am a frivolous and easily distracted 27 year old that has spent his more tender years in a furious dissipated wander getting drunk and stoned trying, in my desperate and idiotic way to try to alleviate the burning, inescapable stigma of my own sins.

But I have learned a few things.

And I think that I could reach a lot of these pups, mired as they are in a culture that is essentially demonic in value, origin and practice and at least suggest an internal dynamic framework for appraising their lives and what they think that they want out of it that is wholly different in its aspect and appreciation, rooted in the teachings of mother Church.

I would never say that though, I would lose my job.

You see meaning has to do with purpose, value and importance. It’s usually the focal notion that we use to appraise and order life, as we know it. What’s important to us? Why do we want the things we want? Do you really need a SideKick 3?

My years of blinding stupidity and rampant self-destructive behavior, though they were wasted and I will ask God on my deathbed to give me that time back, have borne fruit.

These trenchant insights along with firm guidance are what I have to offer as an outstanding educator.

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