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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Aspirat primo Fortuna labori, AGAIN!!!!!

Aspirat primo Fortuna labori - Fortune smiles upon our second first effort. (Virgil)

Hey, it's been a year!
And already, totally, things in my life have changed so much because of this blog.
No, seriously.

Why are you laughing?

Totally things have totally changed. 

I don't get into philosophical bumbley-mumbley-jumbo, like who cares what the Cosmological proof for the existence of God is, or what the Scientific, Personal or Essential Causes are?!...Nerds.

I don't try to get drunk off of Listerine anymore ( rubbing alcohol, f.y.i. plebeians)

Let's hope this year is totally so much more better for God's sake than last year.

Not at all like the page numbers in "Waiting for Godot" where the first and second page would be "1...1"
"2...2" as if he was saying something like : We do something...we do it over again...we do something...
we do it over again.

Your face is a poem, sweetheart.
I love you so much.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Utter Garbage

Roxborough Philadelphia is the closest thing to the physical manifestation of Godthought, the topography of a dream as far as I'm concerned. You know subconscious ID PeckMillers. and stuff like that (ugh) I'm boring myself. Sometimes I wake up and feel like I can conquer the world. Sometimes I drop a pen and could weep because the picking that pen up seems like an impossible task, a herculean one even.

Like when Hercules had to clean those stables out. Which story was that? Nobody thinks that they're a bad person right? How do you make sure you don't get to that point where you're rationalizing some seriously dark shit? I had soup with a meat broth last night, my stomach sounded like the pipe in the ceiling of my basement in the house I grew up in on Caledonia street after Mike would take one of his 5 pounders. I remember I had my eighth grade girlfriend over one time and we were kissing, and really uncomfortable to begin with - and we just heard this *GOOSH*.

I was visiting a friend in Kennet Square, (I don't think that I'm spelling that right, and even though I'm on the internet, I'm too lazy to look it up) you know Brandywine Wyeth Country, Cornfields, Rolling Hills, Gorgeous, 1st Class. I didn't want to be rude, so I ate pretty much what they served but all night - I'm trying to talk my friend's Father about Pakistan, and the economy and I'm sure it sounded like the plumbing sound I just mentioned. "So, I don't know about Iran because" *BUGOOOSH* "Excuse me" - That wasn't flatulence. I really want to say. But you can't say that. You just can't. We went swimming later. It was freezing. To me. I think only me. Indoorsy me. And I am a pussy. I think I made the last part clear.
I'm just glad he didn't ask me about sports. For fuck's sake. That was the worst. In high school especially. Dating some of those mainline girls and their boozy golfclub fascist Dad's.

"Where you goin' to college dan?"

"Allentown..." It's almost like I'm guessing the way I say it. Like I could change it if they don't like it. Just don't punch me really hard in the neck like I can see you're thinking about doing.

"D3 but"..."you know they're still competitive"

D3? I wonder what could possibly mean? I could try and hide in the bathroom again, but I've already done that twice and the last time was for a solid 7 minutes. I can't.

"Yeah it's pretty competitive." Lot of talented people want those parts in plays.

"How bout them Phils?"

I know that Von Hayes played on the Phillies. And Mike Schmidt. And...John Kruk he has one testicle?

Anyway it wasn't that bad last night.

How you guys doing?

Yeah I took down Pods of Speech No.7 for two reasons. The Girl that I was having a conversation with objected to being on the podcast WITHOUT her PERMISSION. She also didn't think that it was appropriate that I was airing out dirty laundry from our personal life. I already got some email complaints - so I apologize. I will make number eight much better. I promise. And I apologize to Ms. Linn for using her voice without permission.

I am, however going to keep talking endless shit, just not about anything in that area anymore, apparently.

Y'all be good now ya'hear.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Fourfajooly

I will be at the Great Blue Heron Festival this weekend. 

Pods of Speech No.6 will be posted this Monday 7/6/2009. 

Have a happy, safe, and fun Fourth of July with your loved ones.

America is still the best f*cking country in the g-damn world. 


I'll see you guys soon.