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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Heal Me Internet. 31#67

The ENT took one look and said "Oh what an ugly swollen necrotic half dead tonsil you have there"

The got to work immediately with IV's and a local anesthetic and started work on the right side of my throat. It started with a cold and vomiting on Wednesday morning and got worse until I went to the ER at 2:30 on Friday morning or Friday "Night" depending on how old you are. I hadn't slept or eaten anything and couldn't keep any food down. 

I was looking at the exacto-knife, a straw, a tray of ice cubes and free- Denny's OJ carafe for a good long while...DIY.

Ya see, I'm "dumb" and suffer from "neanderthal brain" and am convinced that "positive thinking" should overcome "anything" including a growing violent pain in your kneck if you "just believe it man!"

It was, I was told, peritonsillar cellulitis and an abscess that was so virulent the doctor just said I was "cutting it pretty close there"

They gave me a morphine drip and I watched Gold Rush on the Discovery Channel. 

Amy stopped by and kept me company. She is, honestly, one of the kindest, most genuinely caring persons I have ever met.

Thanks Amy.

I'll forget a lot of the stuff that's happened in my life. I will never forget the past 24 hours.

Don't ask how much it's going to cost.

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