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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Aspirat primo Fortuna labori, AGAIN!!!!!

Aspirat primo Fortuna labori - Fortune smiles upon our second first effort. (Virgil)

Hey, it's been a year!
And already, totally, things in my life have changed so much because of this blog.
No, seriously.

Why are you laughing?

Totally things have totally changed. 

I don't get into philosophical bumbley-mumbley-jumbo, like who cares what the Cosmological proof for the existence of God is, or what the Scientific, Personal or Essential Causes are?!...Nerds.

I don't try to get drunk off of Listerine anymore ( rubbing alcohol, f.y.i. plebeians)

Let's hope this year is totally so much more better for God's sake than last year.

Not at all like the page numbers in "Waiting for Godot" where the first and second page would be "1...1"
"2...2" as if he was saying something like : We do something...we do it over again...we do something...
we do it over again.

Your face is a poem, sweetheart.
I love you so much.

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