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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

30 - Randy Pepper Cock

Oh ho, ho, ho Dear Readers.
It is yet another installment of "L'Opposite des Comiques Sans Mot Justes!"
All Right werds. No Drerrings.

Imagine if you will Gentle Reader a tired song that keeps playing on a tired radio. Imagine if you will that I won't tell no one your name.
Now Imagine Matthew Sweet.

Ploughing ahead.

In the first panel we read see a picture of Pikachu.
In the second panel we see a picture of Some stupid ass Yu-Gi-Oh shit.

you get the idea...
3rd panel: a Picture of Optimus Prime.
4th panel: a Go-Bot.
(You may at this point, make your own analogues, dear readers)

5th Panel: Our hero is in the aisles of a drab utilitarian supermarchet; little man holds two jars of peanut butter and asks our guy
"What's the difference?"
Our hero replies
"No difference: same shit different cans."

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