"I'm sure to succeed with all of THESE" said he.
The relentless sussuration of the southeast asian water over the stones of the Song Tra Bong was carving out a not unpleasant mental niche, a tumbling little mental brook, a stream of consciousness while he attended to his mysterious and inscrutable ministrations.
Considering the rapacious and fiercely Democratic eating habits of the Ho Chi Minhsters, Pebble's long and uninterrupted sojourn in the eastern-most country on the Indo-China Peninsula is nothing short of miraculous.
- Excerpt reprinted with permission by Dr. Ivanhoe from
"Pebble: The Trickiest Dog in Vietnam and Other Stories by Dr. Ivanhoe"
What can we learn from so-called 'primitive' cultures? What did observing a half-rottweiler half-weimerammer for twenty seven days while I had dysentery teach me? It could just be possible that I am half insane and struggling with bi-polar mania since my bitter and acrimonious divorce, or could it be possible that I could have made the discovery of the millennium! I detail in my book that the liminal, the subliminal, the arcane, the esoteric, the hidden, the forgotten, in other words the True Doctrine is right in front of us. And it wants us to be whole, functioning, loving human beings who don't need full custody AND the summer house in Kennebunkport because that's just crazy! My experiences with Hollywood Screenwriters, Tijuana Sex-Workers, Vietnamese Canines, African Wizard-Shamans, Zeta-Reticuli from Sirius B, NASA Physicists, Catholic Exorcists, Franciscan Guitarists, Desert Jinns, Egyptian Sorcerers, and many, many more colorful characters will show you that reality is what you make it! And How you make it!
Dr. Ivanhoe is the author of 27 Non-Fiction books. He has a Ph.D in primitive narco-anthropology and evolutionary nano-biology from the controversial Royal Phrenological University. He currently resides in Spokane, WA with his half-rottweiler half-weimerammer dog "Pebble"
Contact: DRIVANHOE@gmail.com
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