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Friday, September 28, 2012

31 #11

Sometimes ya' just don't got alot to say.
And that's ok.
I'm sure there's a joke about modern telecommunications in there,
but I don't feel like being clever right now.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

31 #8

Now hear me out. I work. I understand that I'm not entitled to anything ipso facto. The post-modern, post-industrialist, competitive commercial marketplace that we all kind of agree to participate in stipulates (implicitly, sometimes dramatically) that you're not going to get anything for free, and you have to be the best at/have the right ideas/manage your money correctly/work very hard all the time. I'm  not saying it's a Christian way of doing things. I wouldn't even call it fair or right. But I don't make the rules and I didn't design the way the world/money/America/society/work operates.

But we're here and the fact that I want to get out of bed everyday and want to exercise my ass off, and try to make money, and hope and burn for some miasmic collection of goals in my heart demonstrates to me that there is a GOOD that I am meant to ACHIEVE and that I can achieve it.

But shit's too expensive and the shit that fucks me up is cheap. Now that can't be an accident, right?

I'm not trying to sound angry or combative but I've been doing some reading about the confiscation of wages, the labor theory of value, and I'm anxiously awaiting the publication of a book titled "Barren Metal" - so. Ugh. Maybe I'll get a good gig today and you'll never have to read anything like this again.

Let's shoot for that.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

31 Number 5

Some audition experiences are interesting.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

31 #4

We watched "Quiz Show" recently. Excellent film. I don't know everything, you know.

Monday, September 10, 2012

31 #3

So there are a lot of good things about having a motorcycle. But. You know.

Friday, September 7, 2012

31 #2

Acting Jobs are hard to get. Blah, Blah, Blah.

There's always alcohol.
And frozen snickers bars.

Click on it to make it bigger.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

31 #1

So I recently finished the game 10000000 (that's Ten Million, I know, I know) on my iPhone and I was treated to this picture.

I screen-capped it because it obviated the absurdity of these little electronic, interactive rule-based systems we call vidjimagamez. i.e. you aren't getting anything out of it except your enjoyment. As a matter of fact they got something out of you: your money. I hate to put this experience into a time:cost ratio, but if I did then I don't feel so bad - So here we go:

Would you pay 1.99$ for 8 hours of enjoyment? See, I already feel better. So if you have an iPhone, get the game it is a lot of fun. Aside from the depleted feeling of malaise I experienced I also had this feeling which points to a problem which is more intrinsic to our nature as free beings, which I already described in a previous comic.

Oh and I'm doing the comic again.

I know I started last June and stopped in November but shit gets busy, amirite?

Ok, Turkeys.

Monday, September 3, 2012


I originally posted this to the FB

Books ya' might like:

The Most Human Human by Brian Christian
He takes the Turing competition in Britain as a jumping off point to make these intellectual excursions about the "human cognition as computing" idea which is the analogy dujour for the human brain. It's very good.


Proust Was a Neuroscientist by Jonah Lehrer
A chef, an author, an artist and a nueroscientist. What do they have in common? I just can't believe how young Jonah Lehrer was when he wrote this.


Bowl of Cherries by Millard Kaufman
I had a notebook that I was using to write down my favorite quotes from this book. I quickly abandoned it because I was basically just transcribing the book. It's amazing.


All Known Metal Bands by Dan Nelson
It's not so much a book as it is a kind of a book to read at parties when you're drunk.
Kind of like a list.


Loser Goes First by Dan Kennedy 
I was tearing up reading this. Seriously. If you've ever had ten or so years of clueless meandering, prey to the violence of your own emotions (ahem) you might like this book.


Game Boys by Michael Kane
He's a sportswriter from New York that takes a look at the mountain dew code red swilling, counterstrike playing world of competitive video gaming.


I have to proselytize for these two books:

An Underground History of America Education by John Taylor Gatto 


Lost in the Cosmos by Walker Percy
