Billy Murphy
It’s an honor as well a huge responsibility to attempt to commemorate Billy Murphy.
There are many, many people who could rightfully and righteously speak of this great guy.
There are those who:
· Went to Corpus Christi with Billy
· Went to Roman with Billy
· Played football with Billy
· Rented Shore places with Billy
· Worked with Billy
· Knew Billy all of their lives
· Hung out with Billy
· Loved his warmth,
· Enjoyed his hospitality, his hilarity
· Experienced his generosity,
· The thousands who have been touched by Billy,
· AND that’s not even counting the hundreds of thousands who BILLY actually kissed, ON THE LIPS
For all of those innumerable masses, in the interest of time, “Allow me to serve as your humble spokes person.”
In the years ahead, we will continue to tell our Billy Murphy stories because he was one of those rare individuals who actually became a legend in his own time.
I am only one of the thousands who can heartfully say Billy was my friend.
Patty and Bill were my neighbors many years ago, my 3rd baby had just come along and I was out of work. Billy heard about my situation and made room for me as a relief bartender and Saturday man.
I never had a job that I loved more.
Working for Billy has spoiled me for any other employment for the rest of my life.
I loved him more than any other boss I ever had. That’s saying something since I have been self employed for many years .
I was never the greatest bartender but Billy’s only direction to me EVER was, “ Put some BOOZE in that drink. “
His management style was unique in the annals of American business. His persistent record of success through all of the ups and downs of the economy, must rightfully be attributed to the fact that he put his shoulder to the wheel along with everybody else and worked at it every day. He and Patty were in there scrubbing the place every Sunday.
It’s fitting that he was on his way to work last Thursday morning.
By any measure, Billy’s life is a great American success story.
By what yardstick do you measure success?
· FAMILY: Billy’s family always came first. Patty was the love of his life, and their three wonderful, successful children made Billy pleased and proud every day . Mother Murphy and Marge and Tom were always there for him.
· FAITH: Have you practiced your faith? Billy was a devout Catholic who professed his faith as well as he practiced it. As some of you know he even performed baptisms in his ad hoc sanctuary and inscribed JMJ at the top of the daily menu.
· MATERIAL SUCCESS: How far have you come in your life? Well, let’s just say that the kid from Corpus Christi ended up here in Blue Bell, with some pretty nice stops in Flourtown and Militia Hill along the way.
· ADVERSITY: Have you handled obstacles and adversity? Well, after escaping from a fire with only the shirt on his back, Billy went on to give away enough t-shirts, sweat shirts, sweaters, jackets, pullovers, golf shirts, and windbreakers to cover most of the backs in Philadelphia.
· FRIENDSHIP: Have you maintained your friendships? Through the years Billy always made time to keep up with so many of his old friends. Nothing pleased him more than for one of his old friends to pop into the kitchen while Billy was cooking and pass on some scurrilous gossip.
· WORK: Have you found something useful to do? Billy put his personal stamp on the bar that bears his name and in the grand old tradition of the great Irish publicans the world over. Billy’s bar became an institution, a gathering place, a welcoming retreat, a place to eat, drink, celebrate, and join in the great conversations of the day.
From the very first customer who walked into the bar all those years ago, to the first timer who walked into the place last Wednesday afternoon, Billy made them all feel welcomed and happy that they came.
I feel lucky to have known Billy through the years and though we had grown older, whenever we laughed we grew a little younger. While it’s true you can’t turn back the clock, Billy always knew it could be a whole lot of fun winding it up again.
G.K. Chesterton pointed out that the reason angels could fly was because they took themselves so lightly.
By that measure, the big fella is winging around the streets of heaven this morning… that’ll be a sight for certain, Billy fitted out in a tunic the size of a tepee with his new wings flapping like a spastic 747.
HUBBA HUBBA til we all meet again.