Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Two Stone Fist.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Ernest Hemingway describes my Tuesday.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Dashiell Hammett describes my Sunday Night.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Funny or Die.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Exterior Day
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
This Podcast has...
easy listening
Last post: Sep 05, 2009 at 02:01am (23 days 10 hours ago)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Competing Epistemologies.
at the behest of a general feeling I was getting from the content and timbre of not a few of the emails.
And I made it clear that we needed to do some etymological dismantling before I began.
I was specifically recalling a class I had taken that cited in detail, the castle theory of history. A theory we can talk about later. It's also known as ubiquity. There is even a book called Ubiquity. Good stuff. Can I move on here? The main thrust of the talk was about competing epistemologies.
As a lazy, whiny, self-pitying, self-indulgent, and weak-willed lay-historian of the bar stool variety I enjoy asking the paralysis inducing questions like "What's it all about?"
In my "research" I think that it is fair to say that we have seen the rise of one form of epistemology and that one form of epistemology is meant to bestow absolute metaphysical primacy upon the empirical, the quantifiable and what is quantifiably demonstrable and it completely and totally rejects any and all realities outside the ontological plane of the physical universe.
I made it clear that the beginning of this kind of epistemology, kind of goes back to William of Ockham who confused ideas which inhabited the intellect, with the subjective images that inhabited the imagination. And now we have a competing idea because (and this is who I subscribe to - and I'm not saying you have to) Aquinas in the Summa makes it very clear that images only capture things in their singularity but ideas capture things in their universality.
(Side Note: Someone actually wrote to me quoting Jodie Foster from the movie "Contact" whose character in the film cites Ockham's Razor, which this person quoted to me so as to prove that "my theory of history" was too complicated, so a simpler "theory" had to be "more correct". Clarification: I wasn't describing a theory of history, I was just describing...HISTORY and COMPETING IDEAS...I swear...)
So where was I?
Why is that Important?
Well, it's Important Because If Ockham didn't make that distinction IDEAS were just impressions on the imagination from sense perception and this epistemological confusion lead Ockham to reject universals.
So he ended up having to deny the objective Character of God, which was a self-evident cornerstone of society for hundreds of years - but - If you look at the word for faith in the New Testament, it is Pistis which means "Proof", especially evidentiary proof. But Ockham can't make any kind of evidentiary claims to faith because he has denied the objective character of God, so he was left to conclude that faith is blind.
This new epistemology came to be known as Nominalism which led to the bifurcation of epistemology into what is quantifiably and empirically demonstrable and what is believed. So what we're dealing with is the belief, and it is a belief, that ALL things quantifiable, all things empirical represent the totality of reality.
So everything that defies quantification (for example: GOD, the good, the soul) are relegated to impotent and ambiguous subjectivism.
This epistemological rigidity underpins SCIENTISM, which is the belief that the universal imposition of science upon all fields of inquiry is somehow a desirable thing and the modern mind, chronocentric as it is, considers this imposition favorable.
And this is the kind of epistemology that we have seen the rise of, especially in the last hundred years.
But it is very dangerous when it's extended beyond its legitimate fields of application because science becomes a rigid template to which even the most complex of entities like man, must conform. The scientific outlook also acknowledges no moral master, it gives no assent to moral or aesthetic judgements.
Look at Anton Shugur in No Country for Old Men.
If you want to see the consequences of this.
"Call it"
"But it doesn't make any sense, it's still you, you're the one flipping the coin."
"I got here the same way the coin did."
BF Skinner, a disciple of this, well he was a behavioralist which is a direct descendant of nominalism said that it "dehomunclises man." He meant it in a good way.
And Dennis Diderot, compiler of the encyclopaedia, the enlightenment thinker himself wanted to represent, in his own words - "gnostic doctrines, presented as revolutionary doctrines." And the enlightenment was the crucible for all modern sociopolitical utopian movements.
And all of these movements demonstrate clearly, the dangers of scientism in the context of governance because science invariably becomes an oppressor because the scientifically regimented state must jettison the concepts of freedom and diginity because they are unquantifiable.
Do I really need to cite examples of this?
William Golding, whose optimism was rivaled only by other utopianists of his day wrote after World War II
"I must say that anyone who moved through those years without understanding that man produces evil as a bee produces honey, must have been blind or wrong in the head."
So the citizen in the scientifically regimented state becomes little more than an amalgam of behavioral repertoires whose every thought feeling and idea is the product of external stimuli and from this scientistic vantage point the populace's motivations can be calculated and systematized thereby allowing those few conditioners who are accountable to no moral master to develop economic and technological stimuli that can produce the desired patterns of mass behavior and such a societal model is known as technocracy which is a society (in classical political terms) in which technically trained experts by virtue of their specialised knowledge are in the dominant political and economic institutions.
Aldhous Huxley called it the scientific dictatorship, the rule of scientism. And by science I mean the modern form of science, which is very Faustian.
Thought Experiment:
If I was to ask you to group the following four things into two groups of two, how would you group them?
1. Science
2. Religion
3. Magic
4. Technology
Most people make the Magic/Religion, Science/Technology combo. I did. But the fact is that Modern Technology has more to do with Magic and Science has more to do with Religion.
Science before the rise of nominalism acknowledged the existence of universals.
This goes back to Protagoras - man is the measure of all things
actually it's Gnostic - man facilitates his own salvation through his own cognitive powers
actually it's Promethean - man is the arbiter of his own moral precepts through technology, a technique, a craft
actually it's Luciferian - Man is God without God, he'll resculpt morally himself.
See Genesis Chapter 3 for details regarding this.
You guys have enough moralising here?
Now get me off of these folding chairs my Mom just sent me a text message.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning @ 12:38 A.M.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Aspirat primo Fortuna labori, AGAIN!!!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Utter Garbage

Like when Hercules had to clean those stables out. Which story was that? Nobody thinks that they're a bad person right? How do you make sure you don't get to that point where you're rationalizing some seriously dark shit? I had soup with a meat broth last night, my stomach sounded like the pipe in the ceiling of my basement in the house I grew up in on Caledonia street after Mike would take one of his 5 pounders. I remember I had my eighth grade girlfriend over one time and we were kissing, and really uncomfortable to begin with - and we just heard this *GOOSH*.
I was visiting a friend in Kennet Square, (I don't think that I'm spelling that right, and even though I'm on the internet, I'm too lazy to look it up) you know Brandywine Wyeth Country, Cornfields, Rolling Hills, Gorgeous, 1st Class. I didn't want to be rude, so I ate pretty much what they served but all night - I'm trying to talk my friend's Father about Pakistan, and the economy and I'm sure it sounded like the plumbing sound I just mentioned. "So, I don't know about Iran because" *BUGOOOSH* "Excuse me" - That wasn't flatulence. I really want to say. But you can't say that. You just can't. We went swimming later. It was freezing. To me. I think only me. Indoorsy me. And I am a pussy. I think I made the last part clear.
I'm just glad he didn't ask me about sports. For fuck's sake. That was the worst. In high school especially. Dating some of those mainline girls and their boozy golfclub fascist Dad's.
"Where you goin' to college dan?"
"Allentown..." It's almost like I'm guessing the way I say it. Like I could change it if they don't like it. Just don't punch me really hard in the neck like I can see you're thinking about doing.
"D3 but"..."you know they're still competitive"
D3? I wonder what could possibly mean? I could try and hide in the bathroom again, but I've already done that twice and the last time was for a solid 7 minutes. I can't.
"Yeah it's pretty competitive." Lot of talented people want those parts in plays.
"How bout them Phils?"
I know that Von Hayes played on the Phillies. And Mike Schmidt. And...John Kruk he has one testicle?
Anyway it wasn't that bad last night.
How you guys doing?
Yeah I took down Pods of Speech No.7 for two reasons. The Girl that I was having a conversation with objected to being on the podcast WITHOUT her PERMISSION. She also didn't think that it was appropriate that I was airing out dirty laundry from our personal life. I already got some email complaints - so I apologize. I will make number eight much better. I promise. And I apologize to Ms. Linn for using her voice without permission.
I am, however going to keep talking endless shit, just not about anything in that area anymore, apparently.
Y'all be good now ya'hear.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Happy Fourfajooly
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A Drunk American Adapts the Gettysburg Address as a Birthday Toast for His Brother in a European Dance Club
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, or something ..... unless Bush was lying .... which, come to think of it, is not only very possible but EXTREMELY LIKELY. Whatev. Now we are engaged in a great civil party, testing whether one man, my brodey Dan, or any man so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure without the benefits of Uma Thurman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz, or any other appropriately breathtaking tall blonde with about $10 million dollars in the bank and the inexplicable need for rare, probably illegal pleasures. Ladies and women, we are met on a great battle-field of that war. But not war exactly. More like, "the great floor of an outdated Zurich disco." The point is that we have come to dedicate a portion of that Disco, as a final resting place for those who here--- and I'm thinking of Dan very particularly --- who want to give their lives or even just bodies to a pretty cool dude that this nation might be a better, cooler, altogether more awesome place. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this, is it not?
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- Danny Boy. We are his Bros. That would be gay and weird and what not. Uma Thurman, Heather Graham, Cate Blanchett, et cetera, that's where you come in. The brave women, living and dead, who struggled here, on many long nights throughout the 70s and early 80s, have consecrated this fine dance floor, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what Dan would like to do here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored ladies we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these women shall not have come to this creepy vestige of the Bee Gees in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. And that Dan may have a really cool birthday. Shots!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Car Anagrams from 6:36 - 7:24 a.m.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Seafarer

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My Life in 10,000 Words.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Vile Smiles
This is my friend Ryan's blog, check it out - you'll laugh your ass off. The following is an actual review someone paid to write, there's an attaboy:
"Vile Smiles is an unapologetic retelling of daily experiences by a 27 year old guy who goes by the name Ryan. He grew up and currently lives in Philadelphia, and according to himself, "he's super f*cking neat"! This blog is oozing with sarcasm and obsession over the little things in life that strike him as annoying, or just plain wrong. Whether it is restaurant etiquette, depression, creepy neighbors, or sports, Ryan's got a very detailed opinion on it. Be sure to proceed with caution: with enough discretion on the reader's part, Vile Smiles is sure to be an entertaining read."
---Copied from The Eaton Web Blob Directory

On November 8th me and Johnny Boy went to go see Appaloosa.
The movie fucking blew.
I found the ticket stub in my drawer today.
Monday, June 1, 2009
"The Gears of Modernity: Daniel Wunder & the Neu-High-School"

EXT. COROVA-NEU H.I.G.H. SCHOOL, DAY. The BUILDING is enormous, taking up an entire CITY BLOCK. The design echoes Arthur Snyers, and borrows architectural references from 'La Parfaite Intelligence et l'Etoile Reunies.' ZEPPELINS circle above the CITY, like so many BIRDS. SPINDLE-BLUSTS and PANELVANGERS zip along the HIGH TENSION WIRES which cris-cros the city like a fisherman's net.
TRANSPORT BOXES click along guided street rails at the corner of 01001101.9th STREET and VANDERBILT THOROUGHFARE in NEU-CITY. The scene is MODERN: GLASS and STEEL buildings in the style of ART-DECO and EGYPTIAN REVIVAL are planted amongst shrubs of out-dated 21st century tract housing, like patches of dying of grass.
The leaden report of a diesel engine backfiring through the soot encrusted, dilapidated neu-neu-deal neighborhood gives the HOUSE OF INTEGRATED GENERATION HABILITATION the air of an eminence gris.
A small, utilitarian TRANSPORT BOX weaves its way out of the stream of traffic. DANIEL WUNDER, 27, crusty, sleepy, slowly rolls out of the passenger side of the TRANSPORT BOX. His clothes are wrinkled and his PRINCE EDWARD PETTICOAT has SPOTTED DICK STAINS on the lapels and NAPOLEONIC COLLAR. He adjusts his MONOCLE and lets out a deep sigh.
GLOCK WUNDER, 57, springs like a LAPIN AGILE out of the driver's side. His MACRO CEPHALIC CRANIUM is florid and taught, and there is a twinkle in his eye which evidences strong influences of what EUGENICISTS of the FUTURE will come to identify as the IRISH PUCK gene.
I daresay we've gone a little too far in the T.Box and landed ourselves aright 300 years ago near Christ S'pital fields. Watch out, father! Jack the Ripper still about!
Ah, you're talking I thought you're spleen'ad ruptured on account of the bile and stench coming from your beer'ole. Asides - Happy Jack only killed protties.
I know, give heed.
Easy now. Long live the Queen.
Long Live the Queen.
Thank Lord, 112 years ago we have been returned to the warm embrace of our Sovereign. Did you procure the VIEWDISCS I required from T.L.A. Oscar Wilde?
(taking a pinch from his snuffbox)
DANIEL stands at the head of the classroom, the desks are black steel with a VIEWDISPLAY embedded in the desktop just beneath a dermis of smudged, dirty, translucent plastic. The Edification Room is festooned with portraits of MARGARET SANGER, ALEISTER CROWLEY, JOHN DEE, and QUEEN ELIZABETH I & II. Behind the INSTRUCTOR SCRIM, which looks like a slightly opaque muslin drop in lieu of a traditional, antiquated, obsolete blackboard of the 20th and 21st century. TWO HISTORICAL EPOCHS are depicted above the SCRIM in the form of two LEGENDS. The first one shows pictures of CIVIL WAR and STRIFE, the color scheme is comprised of secondary and tertiary colors. There are hints of CUBIST and SURREALIST techniques, a la Picasso's Guernica, and images of the Founding Fathers, John Jay, Abraham Lincoln, etc...The Legend reads "1776-2076: THE THREE HUNDRED YEAR DIVORCE". THE SECOND LEGEND READS "THE RECRIMINATION PERIOD: 2076 - " and depicts a divinely ordered pyramidal structure, replete with the QUEEN, LORDS, VASSALS, SERFS, and NOBLEMEN.
THE STUDENTS, aged 14-17, are in varied states of BOREDOM, FRUSTRATION, UNCONSCIOUSNESS, and HOSTILITY. Beneath the constant electric hum of the PEDAGOGICAL EQUIPMENT there is the sussuration of profanities and chatter. The volume is variable, sometimes increasing, sometimes decreasing but never ceasing altogether.
THREE STUDENTS who are especially vocal are sitting in the back row of desks. They are GRINK, 16, HOHGLE, 15, and DODO, 16.
Nah, ah ain't got pen.
You got pen?
Need a pen.
Need a pen too.
Who got a pen?
Why you need a pen?
Why YOU need a pen?
WHO got a PEN?
I oh no.
I ohno neevuh.
Whatchoo doon needa pen?
I ohno.
Just need it.
Yall cain ryte.
Yeah, yall cain ryte Doh.
I caintoo ry.
Yo Hoh he said "I caintoo ry" he was all-
-yeah he was all-
fuck yall motha fu-
Ry-did-down Dodo, rydid down.
Yeah rydid down Dodo, rydid down
(calling to the front of the room)
GLOCK JUNIOR, HOH & G is messin' with me yo, give them sankslips, sankslip'em GLOCK!
WUNDER JUNIOR is slightly flummoxed, but not surprised by the outburst from DODO. DANIEL WUNDER produces THREE SANCTION SLIPS FROM HIS WORK BLOC. A certain level of constant disruption is the normative operating condition, but once in a while the THREE WISE MEN, manage to disrupt the disruption, as it were.